Post-Workout Snacks

Healthy snacks and meals after a workout help repair muscles faster and make you stronger.  These 6 foods are at the top of my list:

Fatty fish and Yogurt-Vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium, is often found in fish and dairy products like yogurt. Fill up on these to keep your bones strong and heal your muscles.

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Leafy greens and whole grainsReplenish your body’s B vitamins that are spent after a good workout.  Leafy greens like spinach or kale and grains like barley will help to build and repair your muscle tissue.


Grass fed beef and pumpkin seedsZinc in pumpkin seeds helps cells divide and grow, and beef and pepitas are two great sources! Try and incorporate them into your meal.


Pomegranate juiceFor a healthy drink, try pomegranate juice! It’s a great source of antioxidants and potassium, and it aids in recovery. It can be diluted with water if the taste is too strong for you.







After the workout is all over, I also mix vodka and sparkling Lime Water from Trader Joe’s for a refreshing happy hour. We need our rewards!

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